and so.
i've received my results for the final semester of my poly life.
not that bad i should say.
B+ for everything.
and so.
i don't know what i want and i don't know what i should do.
private uni or work.
is curtin worth my time and money and effort?
or should i just start working with my diploma and just stick with it?
and on facebook.
i saw many saying that they've received calls from SMU asking them down for interviews.
i guess i am not in their calling list.
aiyo. depressing eh.
and so.
i'll have to wait till july to know if i am accepted into any uni.
i'll have to wait for 2 more weeks to start work.
i'll have to think and figure out and research on private uni that is worth my investment.
ok, to be exact my dad's investment.
private uni is a sensitive issue to talk about at home.
i shall keep my mouth shut until i've made up my mind.
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